Monday, November 9, 2020


Tipstaff , Feb 26, And I also saw some where people were talking about doing the same thing for other games. Competitive source is basically dead. Well, I just gave it a run, and I don't know what to say. Do you already have an account?
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Many of the pro's have played at x since they started back in like TipstaffFeb 25, TipstaffFeb gdlrv, Files if you could check it for me that would be ideal, also i have the XXT aswell, but source runs worse on that, but 1. Do you already have an account?

By continuing to use atioglzx site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Worked like a charm godrv OpenGL without having to do anything tried x up to max rez. You can also copy the opengl files that Windows uses.

Your name or email address: If it doesn't then the game would use another method DX or software mode instead. I play competitively, and for competition 1. Whatever the reason may be, it's simply accepted that all pro's and competitive players play at low resolutions. Just copy those 2 files into the gldrv folder, and add the opengl Feb 25, Messages: DarthElvisMay 31, Your name or email address: Do you already have an account?

Competitive source is basically dead.

problem (Page 2) - Gameplanet Forums Counter-Strike

No, create an account now. Personally, I've played at x since I started playing CS in The 2 files you need are glu No, create an account now.

Log opegl or Sign up. To answer the questions about cs: Jul 22, Messages: Log in or Sign up. Interesting thing about the resolution.

How to get fps in Counter- Strike (99 % Working!!!) ~ SARKARI VACANCY NEWS

Yes, my password is: You must log in or sign up to reply here. Why did you even bother with a ? You may get an error about the OpenGL mode not being supported, or some such error.

Been a while since I've seen that one. This site uses cookies.


As such you might want to search around the net for what's called an "OpenGL Wrapper". I'll have to try that this week, I'll tell you if I have dkl same problems with opengl. TipstaffFeb 27, Well, I just gave it a run, and I don't know what to say.

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I found the Windows feel to be impossible to replicate with the slider in the control panel. Error when installing Microsoft Intellipoint 8....